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Technical Support Terms & Condition

  1. You are required to pay the full amount (non-refundable) of the package you are going for before the beginning of our support to your business.
  2. The technical support is only virtual and does not involve a physical presence
  3. From the moment you subscribe, you will be placed on auto subscribe mode and will be charge at the end of every month unless you opt for a cancelation, effective at the end of your current subscription.
  4. Our support does not include other services such as web design, web development, digital marketing, branding, mobile app development, and any other service we are providing. The listed services are subject to a new contract with a different quote.
  5. You are required to use our ticketing system and your user number (ID Number) each time you need our support to log your complaint.
  6. Security updates: Security patches are released by web development companies to address vulnerabilities in their software. Patches are essential in keeping your site safe from hackers, so installing them as soon as they’re available is important.
  7. Plugin and theme updates

    Plugins and themes help to extend the functionality of your website. But like any software, they need to be kept up-to-date to ensure compatibility with the latest web browsers and security patches.

  8. Content updates

    This includes adding new blog posts, updating product descriptions, and removing outdated content.

  9. Performance monitoring and optimization

    It entails the tasks of improving web page loading times, optimizing image sizes, and minifying code.

  10. Security scanning

    Regularly scanning the website to identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they cause any damage.

  11. User management

    This includes creating and deleting user accounts, resetting passwords, and managing permissions.

  12. Accessibility testing

    Testing your website’s accessibility is important to ensure that everyone can use your site. This includes people with disabilities, people using mobile devices, and people with slow internet connections.

  13. Uptime monitoring

    Uptime monitoring helps ensure that your website is available when people try to access it. The goal is to keep your website’s uptime as close to 100% as possible. Once your site goes down, you’ll want to know about it so you can take steps to get it back up and running.

  14. Fixing broken links
    This includes making sure there are no broken links on your website.
  15. Extra requirements not listed here are subject to an evaluation 